
112 items

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Optimal Application of Damping to the Stanford Gravity Wave Experiment
Author(s): McLaughlin, Frank A., DeBra, Daniel B.
Corporate Author(s): Stanford University
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FBA-1
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An Internal Damping Configuration for Tubes and Hollow Panels
Author(s): Kerwin, Jr, Edward M.
Corporate Author(s): BBN Systems and Technologies Corporation
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FBD-1
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Active Vibration Control of Flexible Structures
Author(s): Sun, S. P., Crocker, Malcolm J., Raju, P. K.
Corporate Author(s): Auburn University
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FCA-1
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Robust Realization/Identification of Damped Structures
Author(s): Roemer, Michael J., Mook, D. Joseph
Corporate Author(s): State University of New York at Buffalo
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FCB-1
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Optimum Selection of Dampers for Freely Vibrating Multidegree of Freedom Systems
Author(s): Gilheany, John J.
Corporate Author(s): Catjholic University of America
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FCC-1
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Optimization of Energy Dissipation Rate in Structures
Author(s): Neubert, Vernon H.
Corporate Author(s): Pennsylvania State University
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FCD-1
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Effect of Damping on the Predicted Fatigue Life of a Nonlinear Plate
Author(s): Miles, R. N.
Corporate Author(s): State University of New York, Binghampton
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FDA-1
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The Role of Damping in the Suppression of Parametric Resonances in Nonlinear Systems
Author(s): Zavodney, Lawrence D., Shihada, Samir M.
Corporate Author(s): Ohio State University
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FDB-1
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Distributed Parameter Nonlinear Damping Models for Flight Structures
Author(s): Balakrishnan, A. V., Taylor, L. W.
Corporate Author(s): UCLA; NASA Langley Flight Research Center
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FDC-1
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Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis with Frequency Dependent Damping
Author(s): Venancio-Filho, V, Claret, A. M.
Corporate Author(s): Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Federal university of Ouro Preto
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1989-11
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-3116 Volume II p. FDD-1

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