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Investigation of Stored Energy Rotors for Recovery
Author(s): Robinson, D. W., Jr., Goodale, B. A., Barzda, J. J.
Corporate Author(s): Kaman Aircraft Corporation
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-12
Report number: ASD-TDR-63-745
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Feasibility Studies on Use of Artrons as Logic Elements in Flight Control Systems
Author(s): Mirabelli, R. E., Connelly, E. M., Worthen, J. E.
Corporate Author(s): Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-09
Report number: FDL TDR 64-23
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New Approaches to Flight Vehicle Structural Vibration Analysis and Control
Author(s): Heck, Manfred A., Lyon, Richard H., Maidanik, Gideon, Ungar, Eric E.
Corporate Author(s): Bolt, Beranek & Newman, Inc.
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1962-10
Report number: ASD TDR 62-237
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Investigation of a Method for the Prediction of Vibratory Response and Stress in Typical Flight Vehicle Structure
Author(s): Roberts, W. H., Finwall, P. E., White, R. W., Eldred, K. E.
Corporate Author(s): Northup Corporation
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-08
Report number: ASD TDR 62-801
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An Engineering Evaluation of Methods for the Prediction of Fatigue Life in Airframe Structures
Author(s): Crichlow, W. J., McCulloch, A. J.
Corporate Author(s): Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1962-03
Report number: ASD TR 61-434
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Advanced Concepts of Stochastic Processes and Statistics for Flight Vehicle Vibration Estimation and Measurement
Author(s): Bendat, Julius S., Enochson, Loren D., Klein, G. Harold, Piersol, Allan G.
Corporate Author(s): Thompson Ramo Wooldrige, Inc.
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1962-12
Report number: ASD TDR 62-973
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Optimum Fatigue Spectra
Author(s): Neuls, G. S.
Corporate Author(s): Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1962-03
Report number: WADD TR 60-398
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Thermo-Structural Analysis Manual
Author(s): Forray, M. J., Newman, M., Switzky, H.
Corporate Author(s): Republic Aviation Corporation
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1962-10
Report number: WADD TR 60-517 Vol II
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An Experimental Investigation of the Surfact Pressure and the Laminar Boundary Layer on a Blunt Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow: Vol. I. Surface Pressure Distributions on a Blunted Flat Plate
Author(s): Gregorek, G. M., Nark, T. C., Lee, J. D.
Corporate Author(s): Ohio State University
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-03
Report number: ASD TDR 62-792 Volume 1
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An Experimental Investigation of the Surfact Pressure and the Laminar Boundary Layer on a Blunt Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow: Vol. II. Laminar Boundary Layer Profile on the Flat Plate
Author(s): Gregorek, G. M., Nark, T. C., Lee, J. D.
Corporate Author(s): Ohio State University
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-03
Report number: ASD TDR 62-792 Volume 2

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