
224 items

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A Broad-band Blue Lighting System For Radar Air Traffic Control Center
Author(s): Kraft, Conrad L., Fitts, Paul M.
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-01
Report number: WADC TR 53-416
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Automatic Recording Haploscope
Author(s): Pressesky, Andrew J.
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-05
Report number: WADC TR 53-512
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Visual field restriction and apparent size of distant objects
Author(s): Imber, B. M., Stern, I. D., Vanderplas, J. M.
Corporate Author(s): Aero Medical Laboratory
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-01
Report number: WADC TR 54-23
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Physical Action Of Intense High Frequency Sound On Vertebrate Tissue
Author(s): Fry, W. J., Dunn, F., Fry, F. J., Kelly, E. K. , Dreyer, L. L.
Corporate Author(s): Bioacoutics Laboratory, Unniversity Of Illinois
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1958-03
Report number: WADC TR 54-152 Part 2
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Visual Presentation Of Information
Author(s): Baker, Charles A., Grether, Walter F.
Corporate Author(s): Aero Medical Laboratory
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-08
Report number: WADC TR 54-160
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Instrumentation For Acoustical Evaluation Of Jet Engine Test Cells
Author(s): Labate, Samuel
Corporate Author(s): Bolt, Beranek And Newman, Inc.
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1955-04
Report number: WADC TR 55-115
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Four-Channel Noise Source
Author(s): Barnes, George H.
Corporate Author(s): Laboratories Of Research And Development, Franklin Institute
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1955-04
Report number: WADC TR 55-194
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Effects of a Changed Environmental Context Upon Performance Of A Tracking Task
Author(s): Morgan, Ross L., Eckstrand, Gordon A.
Corporate Author(s): Aero Medical Laboratory
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1953-10
Report number: WADC TR 53-235
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An Experiment On Dial Coding
Author(s): Cohen, Jerome, Senders, Virginia L.
Corporate Author(s): Antioch College
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1953-11
Report number: WADC TR 52-209*
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Controlled Sonic Irradiation of Living Organisms
Author(s): Nyborg, W. L.
Corporate Author(s): Pennsylvania State College
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-03
Report number: WADC TR 53-128

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