
48 items

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Development of an Alternate Form of the Airman Classification Battery (AC-1)
Author(s): Cowles, John T.
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-02
Report number: HRRC RB 52-5
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An Analysis of Instructor Differences in the Use of the Student Performance Rating Scale in Flight Training
Author(s): Lucas, James D.
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-02
Report number: HRRC RB 52-6
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Some Effects of Various Degrees of Supplemental Information Given at Two Levels of Practice Upon the Acquisition of a Complex Motor Skill
Author(s): Bilodeau, Edward A.
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-04
Report number: HRRC RB 52-15
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Factorial Comparisons of Two Aircrew Classification Batteries With and Without the Variable of Previous Flying Experience
Author(s): Zachert, Virginia, Friedman, Gabriel
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-04
Report number: HRRC RB 52-16
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The Construction of Homogeneous Keys for a Biographical Inventory
Author(s): DuBois, Philip H., Gleser, Goldine C., Loevinger, Jane
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-05
Report number: HRRC RB 52-18
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The Effects of Psychological Stress Upon Perceptual-Motor Performance
Author(s): Deese, James, Lazarus, Richard S.
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-06
Report number: HRRC RB 52-19
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Development of a Forced-Choice Rating Scale for Evaluation of Classroom Instructors
Author(s): Long, William F., Harding, Francis D., Jr.
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-06
Report number: HRRC RB 52-21
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Analysis of Results of Field Trials to Determine the Feasibility of an Aptitude Census
Author(s): Thorndike, Robert L., Hagen, Elizabeth P.
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-07
Report number: HRRC RB 52-22
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Military Attitude as a Predictor of Air Force Success; Preliminary Studies of the Attitude Survey
Author(s): Tupes, Ernest C, Yarnold, James K.
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-07
Report number: HRRC RB 52-23
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Assignment of Personnel to Jobs
Author(s): Votaw, D. F., Jr., Dailey, J. T.
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1952-08
Report number: HRRC RB 52-24

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